Help file for Scan2PDF





There are two different ways how to use Scan2PDF. The basic interface creates automatically a pdf file

with one image per page. The extended interface can be activated by checking “View->Pro-Mode”.


Basic interface:



  1. Scan images by pressing the scan-symbol in the toolbar or open existing images on your hard disk.
  2. Each image you open will be automatically added into your project.
  3. You can save the project as pdf file by pressing the disk symbol.


Extended interface:



  1. Activate the extended mode by checking “Pro-Mode”.
  2. Scan images by pressing the scan-symbol in the toolbar or open existing images on your hard disk.
  3. Each image you add will be placed in the box on the left for further use.
  4. Create new pages; “Page position” shows which page is selected. Objects will be placed in the selected page.
  5. Now you can use the following options: add images, write a text, change the background color.
    1. Press “Add” to insert an image

      Insert as many images as you like, you can move them through drag&drop. The image tab allows to delete images and to change their sizes.
    2. The text tab can be used to write into the pdf. Write some text and press add. Edit it by clicking on it and pressing “Set”.
    3. The page tab can be used to change the background color and the page position.
  6. You can save the project as pdf file by pressing the disk symbol.



